Wednesday, September 22, 2010

HSKS 12 - Week 2 - What would you take with you?

Ah, the big question, "What 5 things would you not leave home without if you were going into hiding, camping, or running away and WHY?"

I've been asked this before and the same answer always comes up, "I don't know," and that's mainly because I need to know, is my family going with me? Why is this important? It's important because it makes a difference about what I would bring with me. The other big question is, "How long will I be gone?"

Now, if I were camping, I'd probably be with my family. HOWEVER, I am not a camper, so it is probably quite likely that I would not go camping. BUT, if I did, the first thing I would bring would be a toilet, or a toilet seat, or some way I could make facilities for myself a lot easier ... and then the toilet paper as well!

If I were running away or hiding, the first and foremost item on my list would be my Bible.

If I were camping, I'd more than likely have my family with me.

If I were running away or hiding, I'd like to think it was with my family, but if not, I'd bring a photograph of my husband and children.

NOW, this posses another question ... who is running away or hiding? Me? The REAL me? Or Ambyr, my HP persona?

All answers change at this point if it's Ambyr!

Okay, later. Like days later, and I'm still muddling over this and not sure of my answer.

As a witch, I would most definitely take my wand.

As a muggle, I'd probably get bored. I'd better take a knife of some sort to help me hunt and whittle down some sticks for needles. I'd have to find a way to knit stuff, too, because I'd be VERY bored. I would also bring potable water in a refillable container. I'd also bring a fire starter kit (kit counts as one item ;) ), and dry socks, and a VERY warm sweater.

I guess, in all, I can't really answer this question well. But I've certainly made a long blog about not being able to answer it well!

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