Friday, September 17, 2010

HLBoE - Swap package from Prew

A very large box arrived today with some amazing things inside. My daughter just loved the color of the tissue wrapping! The box smelled tantalizingly of chocolate! Our cocker spaniel, Rose, could not keep herself away. She had her nose buried in the box. The chocolate smell was homemade dipped pretzel sticks! Yum! We are setting them aside until tomorrow. I want them as a treat on our anniversary!
This is the cutest project bag, with fairies on the front. Prew sent a fairy in my box, but I think she's still a bit shy and nervous, because she hasn't shown herself yet. However, Prew sent a picture of her family on this adorable zippered bag. The material is a watery combination of lavenders and blues ... I so totally love it! She also included two sets of stitch markers and a pair of earrings inside. One set is blue and has fairy wings. The other set was made from Shrinky Dinks and features the other elements of HP I so enjoy (and had listed as my favorites for this swap). The earrings match the fairy stitch markers.
This is Prew's first felted project! These are fairy castles. The large one will house my 7" dpns and the smaller one my sewing needles (I took my cable needle to knit night in it this evening!). I think they are amazing and they will be very pretty on the table next to my chair. Better than the bag that sits on the floor, and much easier to see my needles! I love these! AND, I love the colors of bark brownish gray and purple.

Here is the entire package. Back row, left to right: Hermione Sock and specially dyed yarn from Prew in such a beautiful range of Ravenclaw colors (!), personalized notebook with pencil and pen, and the fairy castles. Front row, left to right: Twinings decaf Earl Gray (yum!), 3 local postcards (forgot to do that for my spoilee), fairy project back with stitch markers and earrings, notebooks for my children with pen and pencil each, and chocolate dragon eggs (from "How To Train Your Dragon") and in the immediate front, hand dipped pretzels!

Prew, thank you SO much! This was a truly amazing package and it sure felt like my birthday and Christmas all rolled into one! I just love the fairy houses!

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